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Gujarat: Total No. of Schemes- 9, Website Link
Schemes: 1. Pre SSC Scholarship
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students of Classes 5th to 19th
Eligbility: For Students of 1st to 8th: No Income Limit, For Students of 9th and 10th, Income must be less than 47,000Rs for rural areas and 68,000 for urban areas
Benefit: Students of Std. 5 to 8 Rs. 500/-
Important Links: Clik Here
Schemes: 2. Assistance to Students of DNTs studying in Self Financed Institutes
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students
Eligbility: Student must be from Nomadic / De-notified Tribes
Benefit: Scholarship of Upto 50,000 Rs which will cover exam fees and college admission fees.
Important Links: Clik Here
Schemes: 3. Talent Pool Scheme for DNTs
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students
Eligbility: Family Income less than 3 Lakh Rs. For Students of Class 5th and 10th. Students must have scored atleast 60% in Semester 1 or Semester 2 of their exams.
Important Links: Clik Here
Schemes: 4. Uniform Assistance Scheme
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students
Eligbility: Must be in school. No Income Limit
Benefit: Rs. 300 for 2 pairs of uniforms
Important Links: Clik Here
Schemes: 5. Pandit Din Dayal Upadhyay Awas Yojana (Housing Scheme)
Sector: Housing
Beneficiaries: Rs. 1,50,000/- Annual income in Urban area. B.P.L. Beneficiaries given preference.
Eligbility: Assistance upto 1,20,000/- in urban housing scheme
Important Links: Clik Here
Schemes: 6. Ashram shalas
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students in Class 1-12th
Eligbility: Upon creation, 15 boys and 15 girls should be registered. 10boys and 10 girls have to be enrolled until class 7th each year.
Benefit: 100% Grant to NGOs for starting Schools. Free Education, hostels, books, food and items of daily need. Grant of 1500rs per month is given to the NGO per child.
Important Links: Clik Here
Schemes: 7. Post SSC Scholarship to Girls
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students from Class 11th upto Undergraduate college students such as Btech, Medical, Bsc. students etc.
Eligbility: Girl Students from Class 11th to undergraduate level
Benefit: Course Hosteller Day-scholar
Important Links: Clik Here
Schemes: 8. Post SSC Scholarship for Boys
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: College Students
Eligbility: Annual income limit is Rs. 47,000/- for rural area
Important Links: Clik Here
Schemes: 9. Scholarship for Technical and Professional Courses
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students enrolled in Technical and Professional Courses
Eligbility: Income for Rural areas must not be 47,000 and 68,000 for urban areas.
Benefit: 400 for Government ITI
Important Links: Clik Here
Haryana: Total No. of Schemes-2, Website Link
Schemes: 1. Legal Aid to the Scheduled Castes and Vimukta Jatis
Sector: Aid
Beneficiaries: DNTs looking for Legal Help
Schemes: 2. Housing Scheme for Scheduled Castes and DNTs
Sector: Housing
Beneficiaries: Aspiring Homeowners
Karnataka: Total No. of Schemes-7, Website Link
Schemes: 1. Special Incentives for Pre-Matric Students
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students in Class 1 to 10th
Schemes: 2. Scholarships for Post Matric Students
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students in PUC, Diploma Courses, Bachelor's and Master's courses, Technical and Professional Exams, Medical Exams
Schemes: 3. Commencement & Managment of Ashram Schools
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students in Classes 1st to 5th
Schemes: 4. Infrastructure for Nomadic/Semi Nomadic Tribes- Concrete Roads and Drainage
Sector: Infrastructure
Beneficiaries: DNT Settlements,DNT Villages, Bastis
Schemes: 5. Purchase of Land to Provide Accomodation for the Homeless
Sector: Infrastructure
Beneficiaries: DNT Aspiring Home Owners
Schemes: 6. Housing Plan
Sector: Housing
Beneficiaries: DNT Aspiring Home Owners
Schemes: 7. Awareness Program and Grant
Sector: Grant
Beneficiaries: NGOs working for DNTs
Madhya Pradesh: Total No. of Schemes-13, Website Link
Schemes: 1. Primary Education
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Primary School Students
Eligbility: 1. Students belonging to De-Notified, nomadic and semi- nomadic Communites. 2. Attested photocopy of Permanent Caste Certificate of Sub-Divisional Officer (Revenue). 3. There is eligibility for scholarship even if one year is failed. 4. There is no need to apply again for renewal for classes of same rates (eg for class 1 to 5). 5. Income certificate not necessary.
Benefit: State Scholarship: A scholarship of Rs 150/- is provided for 10 months at the rate of Rs 15/- per month to the students of De-Notified, Nomadic and Semi-nomadic communities studying in classes 1 to 5. Consolidated scholarship .The distribution of scholarship under the scheme is done through the Directorate of Public Education.
Schemes: 2. State Scholarship Class 6th to 10th
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students in Class 6th to 10th
Eligbility: 1. Students belonging to De-notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic communities in Classes 6th to 10th. 2. There is eligibility for scholarship even if one year is failed.
Benefit: Annual scholarship (for 10 months) is given to the students of classes 6 to 10 as follows:- Class Boys Girls 6 to 8 Rs 200/- Rs 600/- 9 to 10 Rs 600/- Rs 1200/- The distribution of scholarship under the Integrated Scholarship Scheme is done through the Directorate of Public Instruction.
Required Documents: Attested photocopy of Permanent Caste Certificate of Sub-Divisional Officer (Revenue)
Schemes: 3. Post Matric Scholarship
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Students in Classes 11-12th, College Studentsh
Eligbility: 1. Students belonging to De-notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic communities. 2. Students must belong to class 11th to college classes in the following courses: medical, engineering and science groups, Ayurveda, Unani, homeopathy, agriculture, science, commerce,etc. 3. There is no eligibility for scholarship if one year is failed. 4. Institution must be a Government Institute.
Benefit: 1) Residence Allowance 2) Tuition Fees Paid 3) Examination Fees Paid
Required Documents: 1. Attested photocopy of Permanent Caste Certificate of Sub-Divisional Officer (Revenue). 2 . Self-declaration certificate by the parent regarding income on unstamped paper. 3. For the renewal of the declaration of the foster "The income of the previous year has not increased
Application Process: He maximum limit of fee reimbursement for class 11th and 12th is Rs. 210/- and Rs. 1110/- (210/- Department of Education $ 900/- Board of Secondary Education Examination Fee will be there). The sanctioning authority will determine faculty-wise full/half fee for reimbursement as per eligibility within the maximum limit.
Schemes: 4. Girls Literacy Promotion Scheme Class 11th
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Girl Students in Class 11th
Eligbility: 1. Girls of De-Notified, Nomadic and Semi-nomadic communities for education. 2. In Class 11th 3.Continuously Educated
Benefit: For the first time taking admission in class 11th, an incentive amount of Rs.3000/- is provided. The distribution of scholarship under the Integrated Scholarship Scheme is done through the Directorate of Public Instruction.
Required Documents: 1. Attested photocopy of Permanent Caste Certificate of Sub-Divisional Officer (Revenue). 2. Self-declaration certificate by the parent regarding income on unstamped paper.
Schemes: 5. Civil Service Incentive Scheme
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: MP State Civil Service Applicants
Eligbility: Qualified educated candidates of De-Notified, Nomadic and Semi-nomadic communities are given incentive amount as follows for success in various levels of civil service examination of Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission and Union Public Service
Benefit: 1. On passing the preliminary examination 20,000/-(M.P. Public Service Commission) 40,000/- (Public Service Commission) 2. On passing the main examination 30,000/- (M.P. Public Service Commission) 60,000/- (Public Service Commission) 3. On passing the interview 25,000/- (M.P. Public Service Commission) 50,000/- (Public Service Commission)
Schemes: 6. Tution Fee Reimbusrment Scheme of Sainik School/ Public Schools
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Sainik School and Government School Students
Schemes: 7. Vimukt Jati Hostel Scheme
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: DNT Students who require hostel/ashram/other living facilities
Eligbility: 1. Students of de-notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes studying in local educational institutions will only be eligible for admission in hostels, ashrams and community welfare centers. 2. For admission in these institutions, before the start of the new academic session, new students will have to apply on the prescribed form. 3. Renewal will be done for the already resident students, but application will not be taken for this. 4. New students will be able to enter only on vacant seats in Hostel Ashram and Community Welfare Center. Selection of new students will be done on the basis of marks in last year's passed examination, that means student with higher percentage of marks will be given admission first on vacant seat.
Benefit: De-Notified communities’ hostels/ashrams/community welfare centers are being operated to provide residential facilities to the students of De-Notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic communities coming from remote places for studies. Under the scheme Rs.1230/- for boys and Rs.1270/- for girls per month (for 10 months) scholarship was provided
Schemes: 8. CM Housing Rent Scheme
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: CM Housing Rent Scheme
Eligbility: 1. Belong to DNT Communities 2. College students in government/private colleges. 3. Students taking admission till the prescribed last dates of admission and applying 'Appendix-B' will be eligible for the scheme. 4. Income limit given in the Post Metric Scholarship Scheme will be applied to students who are applying
Benefit: Rs.2000/- per student in Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur, Gwalior and Ujjain cities, Rs.1250/- per student at district headquarters and Rs.1000/- per student per month in tehsil/development block headquarters and other cities House rent allowance will be payable from Rs.
Schemes: 9. ITIs Improvement of Education, Arts
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Natives of MP who seek Skilling and Upskilling
Eligbility: 1. Under this scheme, the people of De-notified, Nomedic and Semi-nomadic communities coming in the list of Nomadic and De-notified Communities by Madhya Pradesh will be eligible. 2. Must be a native of Madhya Pradesh. 3. He has been issued a certificate of free, nomadic and semi-nomadic caste by the competent authority. 4. Annual Income Less than Rs. 3 Lakhs \5. Educational Qualification - As per the requirement of the course.
Benefit: 1. Free Employment-oriented short-term training through ITI under which it is targeted to train 250 students.2. After training, there is a provision for employment or self-employment under the self-employment scheme.
Schemes: 10. DNT Employment Scheme
Sector: Livelihoods
Beneficiaries: Unemployed members of Below Poverty Line (BPL) holding families.
Eligbility: To be part of a Below Poverty Line Family
Schemes: 11. Vimukt Jaati Basti Development Scheme
Sector: Infrastructure
Beneficiaries: DNTs Staying in Bastis, Settlements, Villages
Eligbility: None
Benefit: The scheme is being implemented for the development of infrastructure in De-notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic settlements, villages, wards, mohallas, majres, tolls and camps. Under this, community construction works are done for basic needs like CC road, drain, public toilet, drinking water system, etc.
Schemes: 12. Excellent Award Scheme for Social Workers
Sector: Social Development
Beneficiaries: DNT origin, MP residents who are Social Workers
Eligbility: 1. A person belonging to the DE-Notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic communities will be eligible for this award. 2. The social worker who works for the all-round development and educational development, social service, economic development and removal of social evils of the De-Notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes will be eligible for the award. 3. Only the original residents of Madhya Pradesh will be eligible for the award.
Benefit: Under the scheme, there is a provision for award of Rs 1.00 lakh to social worker of De-notified Nomadic & Semi-Nomadic, who has done excellent work for the social and economic upliftment of the De-notified, nomadic and semi-nomadic communities.
Schemes: 13. Mukhyamantri Vimukt, Ghumantu and Ardhghumantu Swarozgar Yojana (CM Self-Employment Scheme)
Sector: Livelihoods
Beneficiaries: DNT Natives of MP of Age 18 to 35 Years
Eligbility: 1. Under this scheme, the people of De-notified, Nomadic and Semi-nomadic communities coming in the list of Nomadic and De-notified Communities by Madhya Pradesh State's Memorandum No. /6109/XXY/GNK/IK/63, dated 21 September 1963, will be eligible. 2. Natives of Madhya Pradesh whose age is between 18 to 35 years. 3. He should have been issued a certificate of free, nomadic and semi-nomadic caste by the competent authority. 4. Don't be an income tax payer! 5. If the benefits of this scheme are received by the unemployed as a group, then they belong to the same caste group. 6. Educational Qualification – There will be no restriction in Part I (conducted by the department). Part II (conducted by the agency) Trained by minimum ITI and personal case proposed by the selection committee.
Benefit: With a view to removing the economic distress of the said communities and adding them to the main stream of the society, the Mukhyamantri Vimukt, Ghumantu and Ardhghumantu Swarozgar Yojana will be approved and implemented through all the portals for self-employment like the self-employment scheme of other departments, in which the beneficiaries will be given Maximum amount 1 lakh and I.T.I. Provision has been made for loan of 2 lakh to trained beneficiaries and 10 lakh to self-help groups for setting up their own enterprise and 25 percent and maximum amount of 20 thousand and grant-in-aid of Rs. 2 lakh and 6 percent interest subsidy for self-help groups. . In this financial year, a target has been set for providing loans to 1500 individual and 20 self-help groups for self-employment.
Maharashtra: Total No. Of Schemes- 10, Website Link
Schemes: 1. Training of Motor Driving to VJNT, SBC & OBCs
Sector: Livelihoods
Beneficiaries: Eligible DNT/SBC/OBC community members who are eligble to drive as per Motor Vehicle Act
Benefit: The scheme provides light and heavy motor driving, conductor training to the needy VJNT, OBC & SBC candidates. The training is given through private motor driving schools. The selected candidates are provided training with free lodging and boarding facility, License Fees etc.
Application Process: Application to be Submitted to the Motor Driving School approved under the Scheme by the Government of Mahrashtra
Important Link: Click Here
Schemes: 2. Savitribai Phule Scholarship for VJNT and SBC Girl Students
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Girl Students in Class 5th to 7th and 8th to 10th
Eligbility: Girl Students in Class 5th to 7th of SC and DNT communities and 8th to 10th. No Income limit
Benefit: Classes 5th to 7th: Scholarship of Rs. 60 per month for 10 Months | Classes 8th to 10th: Scholarship @100rs per month for 10 months
Required Documents: Paperless Scheme
Application Process: Headmaster of the School will submit list of VJNT and SBC Girl Students to the District Social Welfare Office of the relevantr Zilla Parishad
Important Link: Click Here
Schemes: 3. Basti Development Scheme
Sector: Social Remedies
Beneficiaries: DNT community
Eligbility: All DNT members living in Tandas and Basties with a minimum population of 50.
Benefit: Provision of Drinking water, Electrification, Construction of latrines, drainages and approach roads. Based On Population, the benefits provided are : 1) For 51-100 persons: 4 Lakhs 2) 101-150: 6 Lakhs 3) Above 151: 10 Lakhs of support
Application Process: Submission of Proposal and Resolution of Gram Panchayat to be submitted to Block Development Officer through Gram Panchayat.
Important Link: Click Here
Schemes: 4. Meritorious Scholarships to VJNT and SBC Students Studying in Secondary Schools
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: DNT and SBC students studying in Classes 5th to 10th
Eligbility: 1) Belong to DNT/SBC Community 2) Students with more than 50% marks in previous year's annual exam and stood first or second in class. 3) Studying in Classes 5th to 10th .
Benefit: Rs. 200 for 5th to 7th Standard and Rs.400 for 8th to 10th Standard per annum.
Required Documents: Proposal Submission by Head Master
Application Process: Proposal must be submitted by the Head Master to the concerned block education officer to the district social welfare officer
Important Link: Click Here
Schemes: 5. Tuition Fees and Examination Fees for VJNT/SBC Students studying in High Schools
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: DNT and SBC Students studying in classes 9-12
Eligbility: Student should belong to VJNT/SBC Category. He should be a student of a recognised High School. No limit of age or income. Students getting benefit of other scholarships are not eligible. One's failure is eligible. Twice failure is not eligible.
Benefit: Tuition Fees, Examination Fees, Lab Fees, Library Fees are paid for.
Required Documents: Proposal Submission by the Headmaster
Application Process: Proposal to be submitted by the Headmaster to the concerned block education officer to the district social welfare officer
Important Link: Click Here
Schemes: 6. Award of stipend to VJNT and SBC students studying in ITI
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: DNT and SBC students studying in Industrial Training Institutes
Eligbility: 1) Student should belong to V.J.N.T. or S.B.C category. 2) Student should be trainee of approved I.T.I. 3) Parent/Guardian's income should be up to 65290/- per year
Benefit: Maintenance Allowance from Rs.40/- to Rs.100/- per month for 10 months is provided through concerned I.T.I.
Application Process: Application to be submitted to individual ITIs of students
Important Link: Click Here
Schemes: 7. Vocational Training for VJNT and SBC candidates studying in Government Industrial Training Institute.
Sector: Livelihoods
Beneficiaries: DNT and SBC students studying in Industrial Training Institutes
Eligbility: 1) Student should belong to VJNT or SBC Category. 2) Selection of students for training under this scheme is made by Principal of concerned Govt. I.T.I. & concerned Asstt. Commissioner of Social Welfare.
Benefit: The training fees Rs.400/- to Rs.2400/- (as per course) is paid to concerned I.T.I. After completion of training, one Tool Kit of Rs.1000/- is provided to trainee through concerned Govt. I.T.
Application Process: Student should apply for short Training to concerned Govt. I.T.I. Selection of students is made by Principal of concerned Govt. I.T.I.
Important Link: Click Here
Schemes: 8. Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Merit Scholarship
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: SNT or SBC students in Classes 11 and 12
Eligbility: Students should belong to Vimukta Jatis, Nomadic Tribes or Special Backward Class. Student should be studying in 11th and 12th standard. Student should secure 75% and above marks in 10th standard Examination.
Benefit: Scholarship of Rs.300/- p.m. for 10 months i.e.Rs.3000/- per year for the standard 2nd & 12th is provided.
Application Process: Online Application on this link where the Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Scholarship form needs to be filled and submitted to the necessary college.
Important Link: Click Here
Schemes: 9. Payment of maintenance allowance to VJNT and SBC students studying in professional courses and living in hostel attached to professional colleges.
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: DNT and SBC students in professional courses
Eligbility: Student should belong to VJNT or SBC category.
Benefit: Professional courses are divided into A,B,C category and accordingly maintenance allowance is given to the students through the concerned Principal of the college. For 4 to 5 years course (Medical, Engineering, Agriculture etc.) Rs. 700/- per month, for 2 to 3 years course (Engineering Dip., M.B.A, M.S.W etc.) Rs. 500/- and for 2 years and lesser duration courses (B.Ed., D.Ed.) Rs. 500/- per month for 10 months as maintenance allowance in addition to other Government Scholarships.
Important Link: Click Here
Schemes: 10. Maintenance allowance to Backward Class students under training in Sainik Schools.
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: DNT and SBC students hoping to enroll into Sainik Schools and NDA
Eligbility: 1) Students should belong to Vimukta Jatis, Nomadic Tribes or Special Backward Class. 2) Student should be studying in 5th to 12th standard in Sainik School.
Benefit: Free lodging, boarding, clothing, uniform, horse riding, pocket money, tuition fees and examination fees is reimbursed to the students admitted in old three Sainik Schools e.g. Satara, Pune and Nashik. For the remaining Sainik Schools maintenance allowance of Rs.15,000/- is reimbursed to per student for a year.
Application Process: Scheme is online. Student should go to https:\\mahaeschool.maharashtra.gov.in and fill the Sainik School Scholarship application form, upload documents and submit it to concerned School.
Important Link: Click Here
Rajasthan: Total No. of Schemes- 1
Schemes: 1. Gadia Lohar Scheme
Sector: Housing
Important Link: Click Here
Tamil Nadu: Total No. Of Schemes- 5
Schemes: 1. District Level Prizes for Public Examination: 10th and 12th
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: 10th Standard District level Level Toppers
Eligbility: 1. Students must be of BC/MBC/DNT community. 2. Students should have studied Tamil as their first language 3. State toppers are not eligible for this.
Benefit: 6 Prize Awards are given in total to DNT Community students. 1 Boy and 1 Girl get a 1st Prize, 1 boy and 1 girl get a 2nd Prize and 1 boy and 1 girl get a 3rd Prize
Schemes: 2. Free Education in Undergraduate Colleges
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Undergraduate College Students in Government Colleges
Eligbility: Must be of OBC/MBC/DNT background
Benefit: Fully-paid scholarship for 3 year undergraduate degrees such as BA, Bsc, BCom for DNTs,OBCc,MBCs who are studying in government and government aided Arts and Science colleges.
Schemes: 3. Free education in Professional Courses
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: First generation undergraduate students in professional colleges
Eligbility: 1) Must of OBC/MBC/DNT Background 2) The Income of parents should not exceed 1,00,000Rs. 3) There should be no graduate in the family.
Benefit: Tuition Fees, Special Fee and Other Non-refundable compulsory fees are paid in full.
Schemes: 4. Free Education for 3 year polytechnic courses
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: Polytechnic Courses
Schemes: 5. Financial Assistance to the Students who Studied 10th Standard in Government Schools and Pursuing HSC in the Best Private Schools
Sector: Education
Beneficiaries: School Students who have scored the highest marks in class 10th
Eligbility: In total 10 students are selected from each district. Out of which 2 Boys and 2 Girls can be of BC/MBC/DNT communities. The annual income of the applicant should be below 1 Lakh per annum. School students should have the highest marks in class 10th in their district.
Benefit: Financial Assistance to 10 Students in each district to study in the besr private schools of their choice in Tamil Nadu.