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The term ‘De-notified Tribes’ stands for all those communities that were once notified under the Criminal Tribes Acts, enforced by the British Raj between 1871 and 1947. These Acts were repealed by the Indian Government post-Independence.
The term nomad is applied to social groups who undertake a fairly frequent, usually seasonal physical movement as part of their livelihood strategy. The term semi-nomad is mostly used to describe those sections of nomads whose duration, distance, and frequency of movement are comparatively less than others. The distinction between nomads and semi-nomads do not invoice distinguishable ethnic categories or social groups, it rather describes the degree of mobility practiced by them.
The De-notified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes (DNTs) are among the most neglected, marginalized and economically and socially deprived communities in the country.
The constitution of the DWBDNCs by the Government is among one of the most significant step taken in recent years to facilitate socio-economic empowerment of DNTs. The Government has also approved a Central Sector Scheme (CSS) - Scheme for Economic Empowerment of DNTs (SEED) and tasked the Board with implementation of the same.